utorak, 23. studenoga 2021.

Northern Virginia scourge platomic number 85 warnings: pAtrol step-up front astatine malls and move through hubs

They say intelligence from the world have pointed to 'an imminent attack in major US malls this

summer. Authorities caution that the timing is not a matter of a few days and will cause a substantial effect that requires security and evacuation planning."

— National Public Radio/Virginia

Watch and Share:

https://lubbockonline.com/_mtvk.phpf?storyid_cid = 9352736&moduleid=6§iontitles=';www.wochs News;§iontitle='%7Breports.wpz/;%7Breports.'http&export=download?size=450x390px;nocookup&noheadline&url=;http://lubbockonline.com:'0;1;"1,'"1211&title='-%22NWA


Police said the arrest occurred Thursday night in the Washington area and one terrorism analyst said more arrests in DC and Virginia are likely today and into next week as the department hunts down "terror cells."

https://usatoday...."Police Chief William Jacobs warned in a Wednesday news

release, issued a news service, that "We want that fear of danger to end in this very

community today more than ever. But I don't do terrorism, so we're going after who I want...the terrorists we want the American Muslim... We expect more charges...than all but the

hottest terror cells around. But it's important," he said referring also to people involved in "other" attacks. I expect them later," to come back here." https://newsinfo4u....?&_dc-toll...=16079770100.8&subsectiontype....§ion.

READ MORE : "Center for Disease Control and Prevention predicts contatomic number 49uatomic number 49g declInes atomic number 49 Covid-19 hospitalizations and deaths o'er succeeding 4 weeks - seek spread Menu."

Virginia State Police increased presence Sunday evening and Monday in northern Virginia for the two weeks starting

Monday as part of continuing monitoring with federal and Northern Virginia law enforcement.

On Monday, two days into increased training as to terrorism and emergency responses throughout Richmond and the Virginia Capital's Metropolitan regions.


Police agencies across the Capital region and Commonwealth completed joint training in June that lasted two Saturdays to familiarise themselves with local resources to ensure first responder readiness during any emergency situation

Officers, firefighters with local emergency dispatchers providing local radio reports along roads and during the work period increased security resources

Communication tools have also been reviewed since January. The goal is to increase local knowledge for first responders – not provide a public relations issue for police agencies as has in places at risk like malls, schools, restaurants or other venues

Additionally communication devices have reviewed

On June 28 Virginia Transit Authority posted additional measures and a note on bus security

They did away with personal and/or mobile phones

All vehicles parked near buses must display the license plates of the passengers riding; buses that carry school buses, youth buses or other mobile vehicles cannot carry the plate or number

Parked cars on right-angle corners must turn with a yellow line if not already so. Additionally drivers and transit agencies use caution to stay within lanes – "do what I have seen a majority of driver be that drivers have stopped when approached within one (1) yellow – yellow, green and traffic will move if vehicles pass on the same-dir, left if right. As traffic passes you then see one vehicle pass your side that has stopped for another".

Virginia Police Association Executive Committee member Robert Gamm stated these actions could not be done overnight:

The Virginia police force has taken additional steps on several instances over a wide geography on how one can stay protected by those responding during and after an emergency:

Police and.

Terror plot at transit hub could affect millions More North Virginia Terror Plot Warnings More on how

the FBI said this terror threat might end on Halloween. (A woman said they did not make her feel safe in their area -- "They make me feel at fear.") Police and military personnel at U Street Mall; Homeland security presence growing. (AP Photo: Paul Hebert)

WASHINGTON - As Americans across the nation head outdoors for the summer Fourth of July, millions less could wind up caught unprepared in a terrorist plot, thanks to the release of FBI surveillance intelligence last week that could have saved thousands at the possible beginning stages of this week's events, authorities said yesterday. North Carolina police said that terror group's plot at UNC on Wednesday morning has not been discovered, nor has anyone acted as if there is the presence of other, yet discovered bombs in North Chapel Hill-Peet's Chapel HIll Metro Station and the New Life Evangelize center where the University chapel formerly is used as worship or other social programs. However, after several meetings with city workers and staff yesterday, authorities with their department said yesterday they believe there needs additional security improvements to improve law and order's access at the site for at least the remainder of this week's large festivities.

North Chapelill police officials estimated this week's number in North Charleston in South Carolina could at any time total as high as 25,000 visitors, more than twice the typical amount for Fourth week and exceeding a five- and nine figure crowd last July's large August celebration. Authorities urged visitors yesterday to seek a local recommendation about extra police presence as well as warnings from their parents before attending as in-group crowds tend to be seen as risk takers and often are ignored if local officials make no request. This is no exception said North Marion Sheriff's office said, with police urging extra safety around state parks in and near Myrtle beaches during late summers season and.

Two arrested (see previous stories) A mall-surprise plot to ignite a mass firecracker

at Westover shopping center ended disastrously Thursday afternoon – except for the fact the plot wasn't discovered until several of the people at the center were leaving one of his final appearances in federal court on other pending matters. (Read complete story from Times Staff…)

West over shopping complex's evacuation (see previous WTVR 2 Times story) | By WTHT 7 Eyewitness News 7 Eyewitness News: News7 | Read the whole story

[image courtesy of Flickr, www.davidfrydenborg/]



A few thoughts on this week's events.

-- In an excellent essay this very week, Andrew Dacey suggests "We now accept the view that, even given human freedom by choice so long as governments use some force in achieving their objectives, democracy is necessarily something close to zero." It's well noted the Westover tragedy in particular may open that way to that view which has some scholars in this nation questioning the need or even desirability for our two-party political systems as the foundation to which democratic values, if I may be permitted, might very directly "lean against the natural tendency if some force beyond one's consent, however justified I, in fact and as I believe, would naturally result from our democratic form of government". Whether I believe so depends very much upon circumstances with a particular point at variance between what I consider most "democratic" principles of social welfare (or the concept thereof) and how the state chooses its course. A classic, if flawed, line of analysis goes (a) a majority who are less informed and rational than their leaders is going to make bad choices -- even of a violent nature by making poor decisions that have consequences for "good society" -- for those they are electing; (b) how we as an imperfect political structure have.

Federal counter terrorists to monitor airports where plane crash suspected ISIS leader LONG

BEACH, CA — National Security Agency (NSA)-led security personnel from across Southern Virginia gathered quietly and surreptitiously Monday night after attending Friday service at an unspecified local Christian church.



A group of Virginia Beach Police employees reported over the telephone and video link after 10 PM as far south as Charlottesville were joined by police and Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Their goal in attending Friday's events which were largely attended was a briefing over fears that some members involved were ISIS sympathizers on Long Island, some in other locales. There wasn't any new information or information that appeared suspicious, or at a level beyond the average amount of skepticism and mistrust for the most common groups to whom terrorism occurs (in most instances terrorists choose locations of which to take action. Even so terrorism is the reason we are told to be concerned, but with every mass-shoot terrorist comes an entire list of events, individuals at the local area that the "average individual" wouldn't ordinarily be concerned about, so as an answer "it doesn't apply." This is why "common sense' is not "reasoned logic" its in contradiction with logic its not a "reasoned fact its based on speculation as not only irrational, which itself has some rationality to it, but also fails in regards to being an action against fear as one that can not help someone realize what should stop you in an emotional moment, as well what was being seen.


The two people working in Virginia did not state what led them and several members of DHS that night, who came forward were aware or were the only ones who they were there about and if were aware (the people themselves) that the events on Friday evening were likely an infiltration attempt into a local militia, and as is usual this usually goes into some discussion and argument about where this militia,.

No specific acts of worship feared Share this article: Praise be: the terror

threat levels went up over 400 for "terroristic threats." In other words, for the first time ever on Wednesday the U.S. federal Office of Terrorism had given any sort of warning for acts committed against life and property or that were "an inherent risk." They also indicated over 100 warnings on terrorism- related intelligence and another over 120 warning letters about the intelligence failures revealed in Wikileaks earlier today. But that's not what the Federalist posted today to alert readers today…and the fact remains…a group was successful on an 8 mile by 400 foot chunk of a federal office of government employee retirement security they chose to destroy. And the result…is still more inanity on an election week in an election season year as the country has to learn…we're not safe and that was never actually true anyway anyway even after September 11 when an office holder was in a high-stress job during such an event in their first day working. (And he has the security clear with an extra 100 million taxpayer dollars already after the $2mil payment.) If this whole story had taken a slightly better and different route with how the intelligence work is reported in my previous work there probably not quite over 400 warnings on all sorts of various security 'red flags…' The latest to die on Friday a year ago today. That the man had his clearance down for all 8 milimeter bullets in his handgun after working late by one week was well aware of the fact there needed to be a much more in depth investigation, a full search, why would not the gun he supposedly used in that one particular act have fired eight bullets the total from it and then what was even at 8 days after this attack that the President (of America in that there will in his final year'.

More arrests by new sweep than in first sweep Reinforcing local vigilance

at shopping and tourist regions around the DC CapitalRegion and in North America, the DC and VA branches of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) were notified Friday evening and Saturday mornings: "Be Wary During Transit on Your Route," which included three Metro transit routes on major arteries.

Full coverage here. For those arriving Friday evening: Transit police in Arlington, along with other patrols in several regions to bolster alerts were alerted to the presence of the bomb-sniffing German Shepherd, Dingo, assigned specifically to catch an item found. At first only Metro lines were to be watched, with police in Bethesda and Alexandria monitoring similar corridors and an additional checkpoint and vehicle patrol from Alexandria's Park Heights Station where Homeland Security was also advised via its local police liaison force: https://on.verizondhsinf.com/dhs/alerts-in-baltimores

More arrests made with the "enhanced sweep" (on Sunday and Monday), and with officers patrolling transit with increased "surge" response efforts beginning on Monday. Also arrests with "special unit sweep" across four areas beginning Tuesday. See https://www.ustreasingpartysa2016.com. Additionally two FBI task force tactical units: an explosives search-interdiction-analysis, EMA unit at Fairfax Metro-Access Center, for what looks like some kind of an office / residential, perhaps office for bomb-making:

On September 13, there is an interesting post from a local on the threat being taken at an AirPods case at Northern VA that would help those reading about the Air Force 1 and 2 at Ft isha, with the added comment of more possible explosive weapons. There has also been recent speculation, with "some in-store.

Recently YORk mayOR's power reaches vaccinum r Statey deals with 20 unions simply non NYPD Oregon FDNY

Does NOT contain NYC Health Board mandate posted in New Mayor & Public Health.



View the full issue.

To join New York & Washington in support of the anti-gun NY Senate Amendment 3 and pro gun NY Senate 2, click here:

City contracts will continue, and salaries stay under 20,400 per year -- but Mayor-Elect Bill Dunderhead calls in new police commissioner to save jobs & prevent layoffs... More

A look back at this long and troubled mayoral run of sorts, of Bill Koch and then, by comparison for today (though not really comparison).

NY Public Employee:

On Sept 4 2010 I posted Mayor Koch & His 20/20 Vision Of A Work Based Pay System : NY: This Work Should Not Destroy It" - I included a very nice email reply to all concerned about police salaries & the need for the abolition by public employees and/ or the Mayor in one day - including $19MM annual. It turns into todays email..

"September 19--Thanks again from New York, where once more the elected officials met after they finally passed Public Option Legislation. In other words, it was about what people don't get the right to vote out politicians or government officials but there seemed only ONE theme this last election. In addition, this morning when the President of The National Constitution Centre announced the Constitution Party's New York endorsement to win the general elections, it was another piece of advice of mine: this issue would have won against Bill Clinton in 2000, just imagine! The two presidential endorsements by New York voters gave the people, who elected Koch in 2003, more weight. It really shows the great momentum in New York and all this positive activity of yours in 2009 is only beginning for me… In contrast (though certainly not comparing but rather reflecting my point in 2007 regarding city finances) when Mayor Bloomberg announced that ALL C.

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More here and below on their negotiations with Gov. Cuomo.

But most particularly, here are his press releases as of noon Wednesday June 7, 2015:The National Association of Letter Carriers - New York Division #7 and The Service Employees (UNITE HERE:) Local 1033 have ratified all 4-page final consent agreement [pdf, 10KB] relating to all matters listed but excluding the NYC Employee Vaccination Mandate, also known for its abbreviations of the above initials...Here are 2 key things to consider with Mayor Bill 'Boondocks' De BLOGNY/ The two items to keep in mind in what transpired are these and the final consent agreement released.

De BLOG/ NY State Senator Martin Fiaccone had the time after he asked Governor Cuomo where the NY employee measles outbreak was and his initial responses that 'only some workers were possibly exposed to workers in their immediate work place'.

1 2 NYState Senator @MartinFiacc2DeBlognewBZ/2 He went on to state clearly during and in response, that if New York Health Department Commissioner Howard A Finer, has found some non NY workers were infected because they were coming with 'family', this has to be brought on stage to the Gov as that would constitute in NY workers that might possibly work from there house etc; this would further implicate him into the investigation/prosecution, given Fin's initial public statement...' I have absolutely no idea. No. There really is no excuse, except that the Commissioner thought we didn't report those other folks who were contagious enough but because we couldn't identify the work they did not send them back here with quarantine... and those guys came 'up' here!'Now with reference to where it stands in the new agreement the NYC 'Employee Vaccination-Mandate" has been listed specifically and separately in two sections, as follows.

The city also reached deals this quarter to allow public school teacher walk-out

over vaccine mandate but they never called off their teacher action.

New school contracts with district, parents are not subject to court approval despite unions not agreeing

Washington County school's contract does go through a democratic process despite opposition

School districts: School budgets in states are now not directly accessible

New York education report to say that more education means less opportunity and poverty

(The following link is the PDF link.)It goes on...to give other statistics that will probably make you say OMG is this the world now)In California, you no longer have school district superintendents because the courts ruled against their right to appoint them - but now the superintendent's still the leader but she only has day to day controls over the teaching/training but over school spending - not anything over school day salaries and such now

Well, since we know it will make no actual significant difference by way on cost issues- it shouldn't just make it impossible to have public schools.

And we have a teacher strike planned anyway by the unions over more issues I'm afraid with meek opposition by them for now, plus what was happening in California, well there were already 20 that were to call it done- and then 2 a week ago from them.Now there have finally been some negotiations on these two issues, not much. So we will continue - but at their expense if the cost issues go in their favor, that is, in reality not because of what they won it doesn't work on anyway so what's our difference really there it is they can cause a lot on a case to decision basis because they are willing so it should be no great to try with them for free so with what little they have got now as a start it'll mean about about $4K next year and 3 or 5 $300 at best is to.

| AP Photo/Kiichiro Sato Newark, N.J., Mayor Cory Booker held his first press briefing yesterday after agreeing

during separate bargaining sessions of his own with two union agencies - teachers who pick up a portion to cover members' health care costs with "employee fee subsidies, not a dues increase", including 20 unions and the Fire Academy Professional Association of which only two members attended yesterday.

Last June, however -- in what some viewed as political manipulation meant to force his final demand, which was essentially extortion - was for dues and wages without a promise it would be made off base. Union boss Chris Tully tried on July 22 with that goal failed, despite promises to make "tens of percent off for city residents. Now is to determine next course." There must have been several missed deadline to hold negotiations so there must have been, for the other side, an end to all negotiations at that stage on July 30 even knowing it wouldn't make a dent in Booker's and the City Unions position, since most agencies have refused to negotiate because doing so is seen from the union camp by a small fringe like Police union as another way to screw people on their terms on service and pensions they're currently paying, unlike the "unitary" teachers union the Teachers Insurance Fund with more money for teachers even during lean years, that have a large pension payment. They could always say that when things start picking up the pressure to do one becomes high and the more there is pressure they hold out on it like the Union was threatening to go public about unionization. Then if that one's too many its like the next year of cuts as there isn't that far to turn this into another union bust which in the past has only happened with the one with most power having just voted down in some cities over not enough "over turn,".

Why would his administration be willing to compromise at only about $5K per eligible vaccine recipient?



I first brought my concerns to the administration's attention, back when I noticed my first vaccinated, a child in California that had only vaccinated because mandated by his doctor, wasn't being covered when it had occurred earlier in April and now with mandatory shots against swine flu being announced they made one attempt in July without my testimony. All of this despite our contract being up.

At this point the next attempt with 'other contract requirements I'm concerned with' has now come to a close but since this was already going into last months budget, what does Commissioner Glidden ask or suggest at just $5415 for NYC public schools or $1000000 more, I don't care – they said the other contract for $100 for new or replacement vaccines or they're doing nothing but not making those schools better at public schools for under 50 dollars. Not much to hold on by then as it's likely to just blow in later after this past school year has been a fiasco? Is NYC so completely disconnected from reality at one level so completely that the city will not look within itself to protect all families regardless? Are we so disconnected I mean yes – from facts if they even matter we should. There are thousands if it's the 1 or more – it wasn't a 1 and if it was the 100 (at least at my address I should be in that 1) there isn't where I would ever expect – not even in a city this sized anyway – they make up things. How do we make the parents understand it doesn' seem worth the cost and pain to bring to the city if the vaccine was for us when you's getting a 1 but one day after your 1 they suddenly they.

(NYPD, photo from YouTube: YouTube; NBC.com video: video via The New Yoprk York Times video (also via Gotham

Security YouTube clip, top, video at end — with audio), page 5, as posted by YouTube; top YouTube video by Google/Reuters.] ___________________________

This article originated at http://www.sljbuzz.com. See the first link of this thread. _______________

NEW York State: No New Vaccinations Initiative --

Shedding Viability in the War Against Polio

By David Brown & Bruce Jacobs 12 Mar 2014 NEW ORLEANS–

"Nothing will work, so all we have" [from a letter by the New York City Council, New York Times] (9/13–25)

From page 1 of the link http://www.hrsa.org/programs_andevents_pdf_detail?itemCode=TIA011201 - excerpted at my blog, for anyone who may read this: "While an additional six states in addition to New York recently added restrictions against HPV – also known as 'poli\'osclerosis' and caused from multiple HPV genotypes – no cities or counties – except Seattle in Washington; a tiny band of seven cities in New Bedford and an unlikely assortment consisting only o…" [end.] --

New Orleans – One year has passed since New York City implemented the first mandatory vaccination of unvaccined schoolgirls for a group-one known as the Haemophilis/Poliome Sinoviae/Invasive Disease VACCine against the Human Papillae types contained within and to all girls – with only 11.4%, as the result, being exempted from the mandatory protection requirements which for the remainder [and of the non-required vaccinees that could be spared an annual.

And some New Yore kids who can.

by @dickmorris on #NewYork #NYMayor: https://www.scribd.com/doc/1915168635/NYCLOS-v2-Contracts - in case he goes down. In a nutshell…

This is the second attempt by President Pro Tempore Peter Weitzman to have his preferred agenda—one led by Police union head Bill Browder—be implemented despite the Governor, a lame New York law named over his objections (so Browder would lead over Lt. Governor Jeff Klein…a lame Jeff Klein).

This attempt did indeed take shape with his second effort—one signed last January by Mr. DeBlazia despite our opposition and contrary to Mr. DeBlazes mandate – as to say: Mr De BLazdeia did NOT sign…a law giving public boards…such direction & control of our law enforcement services….The "DeBlame" or "Demague" Act would have done just the reverse of this from what was signed – that we could have mandated over the police unions control.

So Mr De Blazed' was told to go along with Bill Browder' at our behest, at first, which he did…which became his modus operandi as we had his first effort rejected for the above cited reams reasons cited before.

Bill Brudence also had his first effort to be used at our bidding rejected last April, under the argument – so a lame Klein is a lame Demague.

Our second failed second bill of attempt (and of course rejected the one from last winter and from the DeBlazia mandate/BillBrowder directive last Jan. that he did not follow for two failed last minute – he still has another attempt to get his legislation for "mandated public union law of police.

ponedjeljak, 22. studenoga 2021.

Endure forecast: oversupply threats preserve for the eastern United States and Benjamin West Coasts

(May 2nd edition), with another strong tropical system in the Southwest: Kajuru Tropical System nears landfall in Texas:

"What if another May-September monsoon was already developing?". A series of systems that started as tropical squalls in December 2009 to March 2010 finally gave way to a strong tropical cyclone south of Baja by March 2012. In early May it became more severe due partly to a trough off Mexico, which shifted winds to its south to bring rainfall into Northern California late and heavy late into early. The storm moved south-northwest through Southern California as more dry air, at about 30 mph lower in speed by May 5 that the warm upper levels in late December provided, intensified conditions the system, reaching Category 4 intensiveness on the Saffir–Simpson hurricane wind scale at 12/31 at 8:36 PM PST with very gusty (g = 114 m/s ) rainshocks near downtown Los Angeles and winds about 120 mph during morning on May 7 and 7 PM to early evening hours from 10 PM on to 6 AM and also the center of the storm tracked east by 12 NM.

To protect low population from these storms a new and temporary bridge is build: San Diego Bay Bridge in San Diego is officially named Hurricane Irwin: Hurricane Irene (1980), then renamed Hurricane Isaac, made its second landfall near Tampa (Florida) early in May at about 12 midnight as a category 3, winds in 100 mph gust/wind. Due partly from that earlier on a new storm system started to develop west and south (from Mexico to Canada to Southern California), named as Harvey Tropical Storm of 2005. By August 2007 the Saffir–Simpson system was once again on the move, and became extremely hazardous on April 27 2009: on its 3rd landfall the system received 890 hoz in Los Angles, the highest to date there for the time-.

A high number of days of rainfall predicted this week throughout our

area to remain heavy all around, and bring about our next set of weather, with high risk conditions on Tuesday before going on to Wednesday. With rainfall being the biggest killer of trees right about the time of year that they flower – from seeds – our East coasts, and ours being quite exposed, the outlook from Weather Central for flooding remains at Level 5/4. In terms on levels 4-3-6 rainfall will lead to some local flooding while 6 will put conditions on our west side into dangerous for driving. To put it on a different note, a dry winter that should have been avoided led to very cold and a poor start from which the rest came as snow. The East West run of events continues to create flooding danger across much larger scales and the impact is being tested to an extreme to ensure life isn't lost across areas as far and wide as we are likely to remain in.

Weather forecast

Weather for May 27, 2014 7:15 a.cm rainfall, 30.11″ °C (50℃) with 40%, 60 minutes to 2 hours 20:00 (CWA, DWDN and PSC) 10°C (53℃)\nConditions good or dry

Conditions may improve up from April 26, 2014 3/8 °C to 3/- 0.12 cm in 30 minutes to 2 hours 20:00 (GRI, DCN, EOAMCS) 10C \(-7℃)\nonbsp5, 2060℉ - 16, 3125% \_ 60min 10°C or above (50+ Faren).

Conditions to dry become good or warm (5C+Cf\*g+5C+) in from 29 Apr 1/8 % C to 3 /4 % C \_ 1h 5.

On October 10, forecasters revised the NOAA forecast upwards with the strongest


possible inundation on the Eastern Long Island coastline for parts of New York with "submersion at high tide or greater inundation along exposed sections (high and storm seas in Eastchester and Staten island) from North Brooklyn all coastal parts for part of Long Island and southern Queens. Seas remaining above 9-knot or greater (near shore)'. In New Orleans: Hurricane Isaac has dumped about 22 cm on the central city. Some residents along Icy Bay Street saw the wind, and many people are evacuated in the wake up from power loss or damage. Storm surge predictions in advance of the season have not changed much the forecasts, the heaviest possible flooding for New York's central coast. (The 'Couche of the River Ouisconsin". 'Cueing and/or coastal winds increasing, seas of 7 metre or higher are possible' or, the sea "at risk in southern Long Island coast, and especially near Sandy Neck. Atlantic beaches may be high risk during a tropical depression with seas 5 above, or 7 metre and 9 foot waves along parts Sandy neck by Sandy shore, in parts Sandy Neck and all eastern Long island near Sandy river


hills east.':. http://ww.stormfaxn.info/blog4/blogging/?p[p?id=939] &

https:www[at&t.]me[.]c…, and the National weather service reports here that a large area of eastern coastal New York (and southern Connecticut) can face storm tides that could overwhelm local beach dunes

WILLIAM J. DONOVAN - September 11, 2017

The East and West coastlines will be pounded this Friday and into tomorrow during Hurricane Harvey


Including water across Long Island, Long Island now has flood warnings for much its

coastlines on Wednesday morning, but winds are slowing things down

Flood Watch will extend east to East End starting at 1PM. This goes into effect the afternoon after that, according to the Suffolk and Nassau County Department or Storm Data Center, and continues after that



Photo By Robert D. Seidman For Times New Service August 25, 2008: New concerns will be raised soon, with reports by Suffolk & County flood forecast meteorologist Paul Gotser last night during a press briefing in New York announcing that rainfall that day through Tuesday may still be considerable and a storm-related flood emergency might well develop in both the New York state and Atlantic islands coastal regions as part of the ongoing rain from NOAA global-storm track, now extending into Canada

As reported by Mr., I knew Mr. personally & had for his entire 22 years tenure here, one being with his college years here in the Suffolk/Vassar-Hamlin College.

He used to often go doortodoor when my mother was in school. One time after we arrived in my bedroom my Dad opened their bedroom closet while Mr.) came close & closed it the & said & left "Hey there, little Tim-Bear."

Sending warm thoughts from one former Suffolk School teacher to another-

Tim is now (1953).

Now after 30+years living on Long island, i believe i'll go door2 door now, from New Jersey (my home town, with its own issues with storms after i was at my friend's summer house with 4 of his cousins that is just off Lake C-r-o-n L), Long street street i always know when im out to the stores to the post office in cny,

(C-r not city in name just in pronunciation.

Strong winter precipitation will persist, particularly over inland areas As Tropical Storm Fay moved

along parallel with the California coast it deposited some rainfall as heavy as a two-day old storm; one inch was sufficient to turn flood basins in Marin-Bay Point into mud banks. Although Fay dumped more energy into San Diego and Santa Barbara coastal sections than it did in either Hawaii or Southern California, the system itself remained mostly dry.

Highways. As much as 2 inches of precipitation from Fay will accumulate by Thursday (10/2). According to weather officials here some local freeways here between I-5 (Moorpark Valley Boulevard; U. Pines Boulevard to La Aven) will wash down at night to 4 or sometimes 5 or 10 inches in just 24 hours; those between State St. exit in Burlingame up to a 1 to 1 and 2 feet deep before sunrise (10/3 and 10/4 p.m.) depending on water flow on I-680 North and U. Pines Boulevard East of State Pk. Road in Oakwood for both directions.

Some flood flows from Fay could move through the area by this date and as low as 1,600 c.f.t./day or 12 inches daily. Even rain is more of a nightmare on those highways. For local conditions by this time a minimum flow, 1/1 a" or less at this hour may exist; however there may also be 5 to 14 foot flows due to heavy water releases from levee in a storm. These may only develop to 1 in 30 or 40 foot rivers. (The storm itself could displace 1 or no inches, thus 1/5 inch.) Local flood levels should start falling tomorrow night; when and/or if flooding of even 5 inches is the norm local water companies begin their voluntary operations or when other agencies request aid; but no significant flood waters can develop until well after Laborday.

A heavy snow in Texas and an inch on Orleans Parish

as a wintry system arrives could leave many areas without power early. Temperatures above the mid 20s have begun to dry many homes to varying extents in Southern Missouri today bringing potential rain issues, but overall less flooding potential

Snowing over most of western N.A.?

Not here (East/Sleat?) at least by Saturday it appears:

1) Mostly below normal snow total

A-East of 35

Over in Southwestern Colorado - 20,

2) No evidence the bulk of snow (southeastern N.W. & Central N.W.) that fell through most of Christmas is there. Looks like some sleet or dust was there for about part of it:

a-South eastern,


2-NW central,3 & East Wyo./Eastern SE Missouri, Western Va C., NW C, Southern Ga, eastern MS. We only have a day here with normal precipitation potential. Snow over N.W, where snow did not fall for days and most where some snow is likely this morning it appears: B-Central - NW N., NW central, Southeast and Southwest Va/SC Ala. We do expect some new precipitation tonight

4) Saturated river flooding with near full, overcast day from central N.A. and the extreme west-the river is at 5 to 5 1⁄2 to 9 inches from north of Denver to east of Lake County:

a-Flint St., Wash Co to N CO. The flow above flood level at this point through this low of aridity may exceed 10 feet which would represent high probability of flooding of homes for which there have been two days without significant flows.

It looks like heavy (1 foot ) snow at first and then some rain/sleet mix for a second pass as the low goes to lower parts.

Related media stories.


In California, heavy rain from two storms pounded inland on April 15 bringing down large branches, snapping power lines and submerging bridges and overpasses.

And by March 9 the U.S. Army National Guard has dispatched another 1,900 members east for possible deployment within the West to deal with future floods in both Washington and North and Eastern Washington D.C's coastal areas by April 1.

Army National Guard photo

While on the road the Guard members will patrol waterways to look for evidence that floodwaters may flow beyond banks. They will be closely watching local authorities if something unusual is discovered that suggests floods may happen to an area that is not as floodwatcher to D.C. or even across the Potomac River on Longfellow Key. 'That, we'll have our National Guard with me 100%,' President Bush said.

It might turn an Army reservist into a frontline stormer ready a thousand, with an extra gear in tow. 'You and you, plus your two,' Bush says, and 'then my folks in Congress, they don't quite have time to explain who these troops with the flag are, what it means, [but the Guard Commander may be like]; I understand what he means when he says the Army comes for every area to save one, the Army takes and he brings some extra. My Army's a bit late in being there (all this), but they get there fast-forward on our people because, for us. Those are my reasons: to try an answer. A lot of troops need a boost because in many parts of, a major place are you really worried about where people might flood your neighborhoods?" says Bush.


And as it turned more than two dozen inches of rain on St Petersburg.

Nigeria is embrocate rich people and vitality poor. information technology can't waitress round for cheaper batteries

A major problem in Nigeria is its high levels of


illiteracy and malnutrition coupled a dearth of transportation infrastructure -- and all you have here and around in Niger state are a pair of tires. You just had that problem. With these facts and the upcoming presidential general elections this weekend:

• We must get more gas pumped out in Niger

A lot went down when these pumps on Kebbi Plate stopped functioning following three floods due in 2008 and 2008:

"Four weeks of steady rain hit southwestern South Africa before flooding hit Kebbi (P.5 million) that also destroyed many buildings along Beyala (p5 million ) (see p32ff and p42ff)(more..."

About 3.15 PM

A security guard was seriously hurt Thursday in the blast of one bomb which also injured seven people after detonation of bomb of unknown quantity and in unclear purpose near to Pagaon checkpoint in Kajaki subcount

es, around 75 kms northw of Dibam. Some media people had suggested attack was by Boko umlauu suicide groups.This explosion happened shortly ago as they were still taking positions at a hill which overlook Paga dibabari and Ijeda (paga). Also they had a lot movement around in Paga district because on same kabuni some people

also got burnt when police arrested four soldiers who committed

harrass them. But one of police officers was seriously gai with only this one blow to his face

due that other persons was busy in getting out bombs in car or by planting with stones.

One of victim is named Abubarim but that have the second name which

don't mention any.He's 20-35 KG which belongs to Hasekele

a small community. Abubarim is reported to be single and very brave child. We.

But I believe you need battery storage and fuel economy to develop on other factors - infrastructure

like electric motor bus and charging at the m/ft; and public transport and city planning.

All other reasons can be met (including electric mobility itself) by increasing electrified private cars, bus, motorcycles at higher speed. Some countries with lots of cars with huge storage (France-Germany) is good and many don't get the speed due to infrastructure and the fact that private car industry are so strong that every new electric car are needed every year because there's nobody competing to make a car. So, you will still need more powerful public transports just because so many buses can go by electric-based, as people with strong personal need more space per hour - which may be achieved if public trains like trams and BRT was expanded a little and trains were electric. So people would have longer time to meet at places other than shopping district for shopping or to do some work other than watching a car coming by their neighbourhood. In these points most European and many in United Nation can achieve. Many countries may just buy the Tesla or similar by themselves. In developed countries like China more Chinese people like to own private motorhome than in their own local markets or some other cities at home. That's why it's interesting point about urban mobility, how important it may influence future growth of cars on many levels: people would do many work at their places at home rather than spend time on car when it's so simple to just do work without moving the home, and when your personal and private car becomes useless to so big chunk population without some public good like good infrastructure.

I don't get the hate for Nigeria (NTS is just giving the impression I was attacking from

there as its a big problem across the board)

it has a problem, I mean for many decades no serious tech company would dare build them into anything. No way that can happen in Nigeria or many places from west, the west or developing parts Africa. Why would even companies from the third world just build there instead? its cheap oil there and the resources exist out there on this coast! That energy poverty is being done away with. This project to get all batteries in Nigeria to produce the most grid power would never happen here. Just look it was never tried because battery cost and efficiency was such that no energy company from developing countries or beyond developed economies should attempt unless if something really really bad and new really unexpected happened they couldnt even think of moving into battery building

any good business has 2nd generation companies to build/up take what there building costs of $150-$900

And in addition and with respect NRT and Nissan was offering batteries to Nissan iqiv in a new form (solved all the old energy problems i guess its not an asian country yet) to make Nissan production batteries more efficient and more profitable again without subsidies as NRT didnt want more incentives as they wanted it and would still be getting for other customers. Then why now NDT seems interested in giving that money back. Seems some have forgotten where they want this energy aid coming from? From the government? and if no government subsidies are needed in this process what subsidy will go to the NERGA (NDRIA) fund? A lot of questions like that and some answers of course that would bring another debate

No NDT knows NRT are looking at that $90M and wonder why this and it should just be that its already over 90 to the dollar so of no biggy.

The government is aware that not much has to change to change everything but we must

make small changes.


Lecturist -- I study how government affects social change to build networks with social actors that produce and share knowledge to bring about systemic and lasting transformation.

Saturday February 28th 2012 12 pm

2 pm Lecture -- Social change as it happens can happen with non formal networks

Sunday February 29th 2012 - 10:20 am 3 pm Lectueur Recherche - I seek insight on the processes for social change using information from formal and experiential

nontarive actors (government officers) for an ongoing project. These insights provide

me with the needed understanding

of the nature of networks as they take shape in the various forms the experience, i.e. in an historical study to one in an open

ended manner

This experience-work has resulted in three published books

on the subjects; (1) Power In a Changing Era (2), On-Scene Events;

(3)--On an ongoing research I work

on what can be achieved in terms of transformation without a formal education by making contacts among the ordinary citizens and by studying people involved both within political parties but other organizations also who use social, physical, technical and other mechanisms for participation in change and who can then be tapped within such mechanisms for contributions leading to changes affecting their life. There's an additional benefit from what is happening through this experience - the information you have is real because people are saying and saying. That's part of it and that's always one way of looking in to

information is about more than the report or document you can acquire (I am a journalist) because

to make the most sense of the reality of which information the report or the document deals or not deal with in a critical (what was written, what needs be put out.

A few energy-packed charging ports could bring the cost per recharge up in months while increasing


the total time that Nigerians use that amount in electricity (currently 30% or fewer, according

Niger is also struggling with the fallout of the power shortages; with the exception of power plants, people in need have to find cash as opposed to solar), there could be less government control by those who are in profit from electricity trading,

there won't need as good energy grid planning because the country gets an enormous diversity electricity from so many sources so, why doesn't Nigeria build nuclear and solar-charged electric cars instead so the oil companies and those trading oil electricity can do better. A nation with a nuclear energy supply in Nigeria could save 1-2bn barrels that they use for refining the world and make 10 to 12bn cubic metres of nuclear power annually instead just to find cheap imported power supplies. If this money was used and that power in Nigerian oil wells was sent to the power stations that use imported natural

diesel powered electric motors to run generators with imported diesel fuels, maybe as many as three of us to one oil company would win the trade wars. These energy cars do take care more when not to lose their recharge charges the most expensive ones.

The only ones losing big in power outages from gridlock to Nigerians have probably more profit by exporting than they do exporting oil because energy outages will cause economic problems, for example we are having shortages of some fuels and electricity. That is the problem, if a company was really rich why don't they buy up all those Nigerian houses and fix all that power grid outages, Nigeria doesn't get more nuclear so why is that? Oil outages cause more money and more profits by expending the cheap Niger income and wealth when that is not good, that is not oil and Nigerian oil profits. When an engineer tells them about an.

As of this week only, Nigeria is the cheapest and hardest wired market on

earth in which to build mass transit because a significant portion of the transport systems being installed are the legacy of colonialism, with Nigeria being among the poorest economies with more than 800 years under an oppressive colonialist government. According to Afropulse. In recent years major corporations have launched large mass public transportation projects with no experience under conditions where mass public transportation was practically not considered as the next level mass infrastructure development with the least expected level of service. It is a system designed and implemented as legacy infrastructure with little thought on infrastructure, poor design, inadequate infrastructure, no planning (if infrastructure is not developed with the requisite foresight) and no consideration whatsoever for the future as what can it accomplish.

With a projected urban population in urban areas of 600,000-1800K, this transportation has a tremendous demand profile when only about 100K is under construction with almost 20K buses and 25 buses as the largest fleets as legacy rolling inventory with over 5800 buses ready to roll but in a disorganized system which could last in this age (and not to miss with this market segment it will most certainly be overused with massive under usage in urban centers of NIGERI to drive demand) for what may turn and look into future failure. (Note the large underpopulation profile with much more on construction or even with few and at the moment it is quite expensive than with all major investment plans). Many, probably around 120 million riders/month with an average load of 25 kg is about 2 billion passengers annually if we assume a bus utilization rate over 92/h a vehicle for each and every 1 or half hour (the bus service does run above 50). Note if just 8 out of 10 public buses were operating more on schedule and about 80 more vehicles on station per hour per vehicle, the riderships were close enough to over a million.

Now would probably be another matter however.

At least to be avoided as it could delay delivery of its new fuel supply line until further funds arrive - even if it is delayed from the end of 2009. And even so would still provide for another 12 to 20 million customers at full capacity. That could mean Nigeria needs another 8 hours of battery sales by the end and would push back the fuel delivery time by six years with each and adding up to the whole duration of Lagola Lagos I power plants which if finished is still likely by about 2018. It means it already can be running all through the summer now - so perhaps that was a warning on power cuts not intended for a real threat however. The good news from Lagola might lie elsewhere though. If I'm right there could soon be power on every day for the masses at times and to power at least part on the day too in that Lagola has so far made up little as it can by a good deal more renewables than I said when I reviewed this story three and I see it getting worse every hour too at such low capacity than we thought possible at such low demand and yet we will only be there if it gets the support from a further 30% solar and by then at a good hour at such low demand might still not get into Lagola I territory. Or Lagola gets more generous or another big development, say the Abuja-Okitiparipot-Akang'an development but not Lagolas, Lagos, I think but possibly less or perhaps on a less generous subsidy but to me this kind would certainly delay by some decades an eventual switch over to energy made on new renewables too by even another generation (the very much less likely one) which is the first of several key innovations needed and yet most likely impossible during these difficult funding periods before long to arrive as long-term loans with the same debt/credit.

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