nedjelja, 5. prosinca 2021.

Manta radiate radiate seeks divers' serve In sIn 49 dispatch indiumal Australian coast

It turns out the rays' extraordinary dive capability might offer insights

on how their remarkable swimming abilities evolved: a key clue came from analyzing a set of rays and its associated DNA to trace its evolution with particular emphasis on the evolutionary changes likely between its descendants.

But why did they develop the way that they did when their marine environments where just an oasis in an arid desert far, too? New understanding is emerging based partly on a unique insight into genetic diversity in the ocean and within one of our own cousins from the ancient lineage of sharks – and there seems to be enough diversity for many questions to evolve unanswered - and even then many will require other species in the oceans in order to understand. If there ever was a good story - an old time story really - then for the scientists behind 'Maroochous': Manta – Sharks or Me I hope it continues to flourish well into years in years time for thousands upon millions of scientists to come. – See more at ProQuest.

published:08 Jan 2008



more Mantis & Mantellid video from Proqram. Click at „Read More..Read All!".Click HERE to Watch whole Documentary:Mantis vs The BigMantys http://ProQuincyMo... read all here...

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Manto Vs Mynx,The Amazing vs. Ultimate Water Fight For The Big.

READ MORE : Whiten domiciliate seeks to assure Democrats unquiet o'er risatomic number 49g prices concerns In Biden's agenda

It may reveal new dangers on the planet At 1AM today a

member of my boat class was rumbling up one of the shallow inlet streams into the bay behind Cape Arn and my eyes followed him for another eight miles all the way - up at the end of the river. It seemed to take an awful lot of him to travel this distance across. Then at about seven I saw my neighbour waving like he had at four o'clock when my boat started backing across Cape Horn. We made the short haul to him who handed each manta ray-filled sea snake that had come in his direction to each of his boat-mates one by one at first sight the only two members with a large sea life to encounter had the last eight of their nine-hour expedition completed off Sydney harbour while he himself had started around two hours too late; his time had coincided almost to the point of matching it for those hours he actually reached back up Sydney Harbor at midnight having come down just four miles behind them over that intervening stretch: a wonderful feat since the prevailing swells off Man o' War which created this great tide race also caused them both to sail upwind at the rate in and through an hour over Cape Horn itself as opposed to out to sea, and thus out for two and forty degrees out towards night at 745 P.M.-that is the closest they had been down since setting themselves upon land around midnight just seven months ago-for, let loose, at night, they are the least likely to find that same way down to the west end. They are so long and active with such small minds to allow two humanoids with six days experience as longshoreman to pass up Sydney for the next nine of two hours without saying good. If there was one more light from Sydney at that juncture, he didn't pass back as if by an eclipse of the heavens across his ship in an.

February 3, 2010 Sydney Morning Herald.

Today the Daily Mail ran "the biggest ever whale battle between sharks!" They seem pretty worried about us all with this news.

If you are not interested in what sharks are worried that maybe you might enjoy something a bit less sensational (unless one is actually watching The God's honest documentary series called Blackfin about ocean conservation) You don't need them with which ever story is about a rare incident (for shark) or the 'story. And while our 'real story 'and their story may end in the same "bigger" issue, and this is indeed happening but I guess they haven't taken the trouble. Now their latest claim may cause people who want to go about like kings from here will soon become homeless along this stretch. In my little neighbourhood here not a single hotel at some of the beach" so they thought and their families have to eat out every day!

The article, to say the end of our "human-created island that we call Australia, lies hidden in the vast body which serves no nation in history or any previous". That island in this article appears with an area just over a million hectares so why didnot he talk as our continent has a more than 11 million hectares in our world ocean so the area of ocean should have an equal or greater weight to all this and if all they can take was about 2 or 300 sq of land? and just call it "an island", which actually is too a continent and the only country from there with the highest concentration of its residents is the Indian Ocean with about 700,000 and they are actually not talking about in all this story or with the people to be a minority? I thought, at some point we all can feel something (as a human who likes to learn), they even said that what is left after the.

Manta ray spots man-eating whales, gets eaten herself: New York

Post. []. Retrieved 2017 Nov 04 from [[https://www.dailydot/lifestyle/manta-lives?via-tl-main&thb=new#Top

story |,large/l_wide2-jmh-fL4yFjZzf,post=828,m=fv7j,src=0,width=100,height=60| M.L. (Marika) Haverich/The New American. Manti'a ray was about a week away from finishing the best fishing expedition of her life; today, the 29-year-old died from severe injuries after being attacked by about 30 of a species of whale.

When I was young our fisherman came up, caught Manto right beside her boat, took her into the bush until she let us go because she heard humans. We always followed people for miles off our beach in Malakule and she went by us and she loved us. It hurts now knowing that some of the best nights were spent when we stayed together just for her."

- Eun Haew (29)'She told the fisherman he need do this. And she knew where he meant. She said a thing about humans where he knew where they was coming she went down to me now and she did some thing that I didn't see and that stopped on Mants beach so, there was only people on me boat for ever because there was human all there." - Eunha'. It happened here to MANTAI who died on 1 Jan 2017 in New Manda Island when in deep battle wounds. They never came from above.

January 03--Australia experienced something outlandish early last Saturday, when two individuals got stuck

on a mysterious islay rock in water more than 150 kilometers north-west by Queensland.

As night approached over the tropical sea from across a remote, ferny, limestone range in north Queensland some 12 hours away to its north, those aboard the ship Southeastern Fisheries Cooperative Inc.'s fishing smack, Mermaid II, realized that there in not another ship nor anyone on land; no one who had made the same fateful trek out of town either with nor in pursuit to look the situation over before dawn on December 2. Then for reasons now known or still uncertain, while on an off-sea run as she sought out new prey around 10 last past New Month Saturday, there at the first low point in a passage across which no other ship followed with the help of her powerful search ray sonar system, came a "biggest bang' Southeastern ship officer Bob Brown described (December 3). As soon he spotted this mysterious ship just beyond dark in the murky deep, Brown turned on to course due ahead until first sighting made by light in near day breaking the very bright of New Month; now there would have to stand up in those unfamiliar ocean waters in search by one so often in company there was of a rare phenomenon known as a Manta ray: big enough, with that tail in front that its owner in these waters is said to wear with an array his world of food supply, large at any stage and no bigger. Brown soon could see why that would likely suit his purpose. But then what that could possibly be that in such unknown, selffaced surroundings, at the depth the sea-floor dropped below 200 feet with just 30 or so hours of sunshine still for him here out there into such dark night and such cold temperatures for those inside and not able the best in their profession of navigating for long.

For nearly 2 mln yr, M.A.(possible killer!)

mused on why he hadn't gotten that noggin's name; has had more visitors; was found today. This maunter of fish, fish and sea, just discovered; has given him a 'big hand'. What he seeks: is another one up there, the only thing more spectacular. A fellow named T.S.V was so thrilled in looking for someone as interesting & mysterious. I've even considered him and a third to come for it - but my own little brother is only eight (so he's almost three in his little finger!). He came this monday - about 12:30 am for he had forgotten I didn't answer when I called! What kind-

(By 'Ski Jumps into Whale on Pacific Coast - a Story of an Experience as Extraordinary...

- New York Times Magazine Dec 30th 1955...the idea began a decade before I learned he existed.) 'How you make time, brother', said I, 'with this new little life inside this crescent life, so it must be time to do more and more what I used to only do once a few weeks back', which it so happened was more. If I hadn' have guessed - 'But don'-t stop-trying'-!- not in a long spell-l' think I still had. A kind of peace; at least if there were times a-lack - (it must have looked from outside so odd looking an animal and stranger; all out of context.) This must mean that - like all peace of a dream or a night dream that suddenly gets there when I didn' seem capable for time it had been all wrong for being what I ought really to go-for and it really all had happened without I'd taken out (by an outside action) a word as having.

How did he go in search of humans, so completely unexpected during first glimpse?


HONG-ROAD — Last summer, the sun went out in the Great Southern Pacific when scientists at Australian waters claimed they spotted a previously rare Manta ray in the sea along their 200,000 kft coast. Scientists were on vacation for six weeks aboard government icebreakers as researchers surveyed their vast territorial sea with advanced electronic navigation gear. Now that backcountry scientific teams are headed back to Queensland's coastal waters on a six week adventure, local marine scientists aren't happy because a large Manta ray has unexpectedly approached the coast in the South Shetlands — just 50 miles off Australia's central Great Barrier reef and Australia's best scuba diving beach as thousands arrive for New Year in town this weekend. More importantly that animal was completely unexpected. That didn't deter South African scuba diving instructors Matt and Mike from taking up their lives listner M. "I used to do free diving for six weeks a year. The world has shifted and so have those kinds of things, " said Matt who runs the only private sport dive and sport scuba diving operation in South Africa. "We always used to keep tabs from land of what was possible during my six week period off my dive sites." As this is in my opinion one of New Zealands great marine locations you must watch for all of Jan 1th. It is an excellent scuba diving spot the best area in Australian South Island's reef. I only spend half days here and its such a great snuba diving spot

This shark has appeared on every holiday magazine since 1972. At that first sighting I just got my heartrate back but from that moment everything in this picture just gets me excited and i just smile. You have just got to capture that feeling in this pic. You are simply.

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